How to use an Astrological Calendar and Gardening By The Moon

This moon planting calendar designed by Thomas Zimmer, especially for use in the Southern Hemisphere, is full of astrological information such as moon phase, equinox, solstice and eclipse dates and times, including annual planting by the moon guides as well as an astrological commentary on the year to come.
It can be used by anyone. You don't need to understand Astrology although using this calendar will increase your knowledge of it. It's a wonderful tool if you're starting a herb garden for the first time or looking to take your gardening skills to the next level.
The Astrological Calendar and Moon Planting guide is a must for gardeners with information about the best time to plant, weed, fertilise, compost and control pests. Buy yours for only $13 here, or $10.5 each if you buy 2 or more.
Not only essential for gardeners it also gives us insight into the best time for certain activities such as:
- having a party - try moon in ♒️ Aquarius
- jobs that need attention to detail - try moon in ♍️ Virgo
- attend to legal matters when the moon is in ♑️ Capricorn
While we do not have to plan our lives around it, it can help us to understand why some things work better at a certain time.
The Moon Phases

On the poster, the moon phases are represented on the outside of the circle.
The Moon's gravitational pull affects the movement of water on the Earth. We see this clearly with the tides at their fullest during a full moon and their lowest during a new moon. The moon also affects the surface tension of moisture in the soil, something we can't clearly see, but can take advantage of when deciding on the best time to plant. There is also an effect on the flow of water through plants. Sap moves more vigorously during the waxing phase as the moon grows to full, and slows down as the moon wanes towards the new moon.The Moon Phases can help us to determine the best time to do things in our gardens.
1st Quarter Phase
The New Moon (dark moon) is increasing in light, it looks like it is growing bigger, this is known as a waxing moon.Water in the Earth is starting to be drawn up at this time, we will see the tides start increasing in height. This means the moisture is increasing in the soil.
- The first quarter phase starts 12 hours after the exact New Moon
- It finishes 12 hours before the First quarter moon
- This is the best time for planting leafy annuals such as basil, parsley, coriander, dill and rocket.
- It’s also a good time for applying liquid fertilisers and pruning and grafting, as increased sap flow produces new growth more quickly.
2nd Quarter Phase
The moon is still waxing, now showing more than half of its visible surface as light. As it gets closer to the full moon, the pull on the earth is increasing and the tides are reaching much higher levels. The moisture in the soil is increasing and so is the sap in the plants.
- The 2nd quarter phase starts 12 hours after the first quarter moon and runs through to 12 hours before the exact full moon.
- This is the best time to plant fruiting/flowering annuals such as tomatoes, beans, chillies, red clover, chamomile and calendula.
- A good time for applying liquid fertilisers and pruning and grafting, as increased sap flow produces new growth more quickly.
3rd Quarter Phase
The full moon has passed and will now decrease in light on its surface this is known as a waning moon. The tides have turned and will now start to decrease in height. There is still moisture in the earth and the sap is still high although the flow is drawing down. This focusses the energy towards the roots, which is more suited to root crops and perennials, plants that live longer than two years.
- Runs from 12 hours after the exact full moon until 12 hours before the third quarter moon
- This is the best time to plant root vegetables and perennials such as beetroot, carrots, onions, licorice, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, sage, thyme and oregano.
- Take cuttings and divide plants. Apply solid fertiliser and harvest for storage.
4th Quarter Phase
More than half of the visible surface of the moon is now in darkness. The tides will soon be at their lowest and the sap in plants has slowed. This phase is viewed as low in vitality and planting is not recommended now.
- Starts 12 hours after the third quarter moon and runs through to 12 hours before the exact new moon.
- Do not do any planting during this time
- This is a good time to do mowing, weeding, composting, mulching and insect control. Apply solid fertilisers and prune to restrain growth.
The Astrological Signs

The above astrological symbols are found on the outside of the outside ring of the poster. These symbols show us when the moon is in that sign.
This helps us to determine the best time to plant within the appropriate moon phase as some signs are more fertile than others.
Fertile Signs - these signs are the best for planting.
The 3 Water signs are the most fertile signs these are ♋️Cancer, ♏️Scorpio and ♓️Pisces.
Semi Fertile Signs - are the second best signs to plant in.
The Earth signs ♉️Taurus and ♑️Capricorn along with the Air sign ♎️Libra are all semi-fertile signs.
Barren signs - Avoid planting in these signs. Other garden jobs can be done in these signs.
The barren signs are the Air signs ♊️Gemini and ♒️Aquarius, the Fire signs ♈️Aries, ♌️Leo and ♐️Sagittarius and the Earth sign ♍️Virgo.
2025 Astrological Calendar and Moon Planting Guide
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What's Happening Now (end of 2024)
From the image above, here is a brief overview of what is happening with the moon and signs from the New Moon in November to the New Moon in December 2024
1st November at 11:48pm - New Moon in ♏️Scorpio
1st - 9th Nov - 1st Quarter phase
The first quarter is for planting leafy greens and annuals when the moon is in a fertile sign.
The moon is in the fertile sign of ♏️Scorpio until 4:21pm on the 3rd nov.
From 11:48am (12 hours after the dark moon) on the 2nd until the 3rd Nov at 4:21pm is a good time to plant.
🍃This is the best time to plant leafy greens and annuals
The moon is in the barren sign ♐️Sagittarius from 4:21pm on the 3rd until 2:19am on the 6th Nov.
🍂Do not plant at this time.
On the 6th, 7th and the 8th until 10:00am the moon is in the semi-fertile sign of ♑️Capricorn
🍃This is a good time to plant leafy greens and annuals
The 1st quarter finishes in the barren sign of ♒️Aquarius at 4:57pm on the 9th Nov.
9th - 16th Nov - 2nd Quarter phase
The second quarter is for planting fruiting annuals when the moon is in a fertile sign.
We start the second quarter with the moon in ♒️Aquarius
🍂Aquarius is a barren sign. Do not plant at this time.
It then moves into fertile ♓️Pisces at 3:01pm on the 10th until the 5:27pm on the 12th Nov.
🍃This is the best time to plant fruiting annuals
On the 13th and 14th the moon is in the barren sign of ♈️Aries.
🍂It is not a good time to plant.
The moon moves into the semi-fertile sign of ♉️Taurus at 6:00pm on the 14th. From then until 8:30pm on the 15th is a good time to plant.
🍃This is a good time to plant fruiting annuals
16th Nov at 8.30am - Full Moon in ♉️Taurus
16th Nov - 23rd Nov - 3rd Quarter phase
The third quarter is good for planting root crops and perennials when the moon is in a fertile sign.
From 6:10pm on the 16th until 7:51pm on the 18th the moon is in the barren sign of ♊️Gemini
🍂Do not plant at this time.
At 7:51pm on the 18th until after midnight on the 20th the moon is in the fertile sign of ♋️Cancer
🍃It is the best time to plant root crops and perennials.
Then the moon moves into the barren sign of ♌️Leo
🍂Do not plant at this time.
23rd Nov - 1st December 4th Quarter phase
The Moon is in its last or 4th quarter.
This is the phase of the moon when you do your garden maintenance.
🍂Not a good time to plant.
24th and 25th moon in the barren sign ♍️Virgo
Weeding and pest control can be done now in a barren sign for best results.
1st December at 5:23pm - New Moon in ♐️Sagittarius
Other Features to look out for.
Void Moon - On the 10th, 18th, 23rd, 25th, and 28th Nov. This is shown just inside the main circle. Where the dates are, there is a small grey box. These are known as a Void Moons.
A Void moon means that the moon is not making any key angles to any of the planets. This is not a good time to make any decisions or important purchases.
Mercury Retrograde - If you look at the thin ring between the day and the date on the calendar. When there is shading it shows that mercury is retrograde. During this time Mercury passes between Earth and the Sun, it appears to move backwards, this time is known as Mercury Retrograde. Miscommunication can occur during this time, double-check details and be patient.
In the section of the calendar shown above, the next mercury retrograde starts on the 26th of November and runs through to the 16th December.